I am back to blogging. Why?
For several reasons:
1. We have a new connection in the office and it is screaming of POWER to the nth degree.
2. It’s THANKSGIVING today in the other part of the world so this is a nice time to start blogging again. Happy Thanksgiving- It is in giving that we truly receive. That’s my status in FB.
3. I have to kill time. I have been here in the office for almost 7 hours and I have nothing to do. No work. As in zero. How would you expect to get work when the US sales people just had a great party last night! Most of them have hangovers for sure.
4. I am still ecstatic because of the movie I watched yesterday so why not talk about it.
So what’s the movie? “My Amnesia girl” by Cathy Garcia-Molina.
For several reasons:
1. We have a new connection in the office and it is screaming of POWER to the nth degree.
2. It’s THANKSGIVING today in the other part of the world so this is a nice time to start blogging again. Happy Thanksgiving- It is in giving that we truly receive. That’s my status in FB.
3. I have to kill time. I have been here in the office for almost 7 hours and I have nothing to do. No work. As in zero. How would you expect to get work when the US sales people just had a great party last night! Most of them have hangovers for sure.
4. I am still ecstatic because of the movie I watched yesterday so why not talk about it.
So what’s the movie? “My Amnesia girl” by Cathy Garcia-Molina.
Actually, I don’t have plans of watching it initially. I mean I like Toni G. and I used to like John Lloyd Cruz (used to because he’s getting bad publicity lately that’s kind of turn off for me) but them together, it’s an unlikely match.
If you take a look at it, your usual flick would have a pretty girl and a pretty boy in the cast or a not so handsome guy but a very pretty lady. But if you know Toni and John Lloyd, you know that John Lloyd is way too cute over Toni. I mean Toni is pretty but not in the “artista” kind of way. Like what I read others commented Toni is cute in a K-Pop way. A stereotyped Korean leading lady-simple looking, smart, and usually hilarious.
But then again I’ll be meeting a friend of mine and I know that she loves John Lloyd. So why not watch it? There are no other eye-catching movies at the meantime aside from Harry Potter anyway which I already watched.
So we took a long walk from Glorietta to Greenbelt 1 so we could catch the 12:00 noon screening. Just in time we hurriedly enter the cinema and OLA! on the first scene John Lloyd got me! He is uber charming, a Sales manager explaining to his sales peeps how to grab a sale and relating it to how you will find love.
It goes something like this. (I haven’t memorized it so this is just how I would retell the story my own way. LOL)
He starts that there are approximately 11million people, not sure if that is the exact number but something like that J and that one of this people is your match. So when will you find him or her?
You’ll never know. Finding love is so spontaneous that you’ll never know when you will find him or her. It just happens. It may happen while you are walking down the street or passing across the pedestrian. But what if, it is the right time for you to meet him or her, and then suddenly you look into another direction. Or you have to stoop down because you have to tie your shoe lace then you miss the chance.
There Lloydie have to reiterate that once you have that chance you should grab it and value that perfect moment. Because if you lost it and just then realized that it is your one true love then you’ll never know if you’ll have that chance again.
And that is like selling he said, if you caught the customer’s attention then make sure that you grab it and use all the powers that you have to make sure it will work for your advantage and you’ll both end up happy.
He is telling that as if he is professing his love for the saleslady and the saleslady can’t help but be swooned. And yes, if it’s me I would have said YES as well. J
FYI all the girls in the cinema would have said yes as well with their giggling sounds. Lol
NOTE 1: JOHN LLOYD is way too HOT that no girl can resist him. Lucky him! A little too bad for the girl though. Just a little. LOL
Seriously, if you are in a relationship treat it as if you will never find someone else again. Do the best that you can to make it work and feel the love. So that even though you failed in the end at least you tried and you will never regret a thing.
Then another scene, John Lloyd and his guy friends are eyeing girls in a wedding function and nothing seems to satisfy John Lloyds taste. Most girls just get a rating of 2 and 3 and they asked why. Then they remembered his past girlfriends, the overcaring teacher that can be annoying, the perfect girl which makes him imperfect, and the hot stewardess who has no time for him, and the martial artist girlfriend who makes him a punching bag during practice.
Then there is Irene. Toni G is Irene. John Lloyd fondly remembered his good times with her. All good times. Their first meet up in a speed dating event where Toni is the event organizer and photographer. This is so sweet and funny.
Apollo comes over to Irene and ask “Do you believe in love at first sight?”. Irene says “No”. Then John Lloyd leaves and comes back again asking “What about love at second sight, third sight, or fourth sight?” There Irene would end up laughing and there she can’t resists him. They would end up exchanging “corny” pick up lines that we usually receive in text. “Corny and cheesy” but admit it sometimes “sweet”.
NOTE 2: It shows that some people who had past relationships, one of it would standout. If that is their true love, they’ll never know not unless a new one comes in becoming their one true love. Or maybe they would know the moment that they will stop searching. Stop searching meaning to stop loving at all or to settle with whoever they have.
What about unplanned pregnancies? I think it may mean that they are destined to have a child and be matured. It may also mean that destiny is helping them to stop and settle for whoever they have to find out later on that this is their true love or maybe not.
Life is a continuous storybook. We have to live it and wait on how the story will end. It may have a twist that we don’t know.
Then Apollo would meet Irene in a grocery market all pumped up and excited. But there’s Irene asking who is he and who are his friends. She said she had amnesia and have no memories of who their friends are. There start the chase. Apollo still thinking if Irene really has an amnesia but he prefers to believe that she does. Apollo doing cheesy, exceptional, and remarkable things for Irene to bring back her love for him. Without telling who he is. But who is Apollo?
Apollo is the ex-boyfriend who proposed to Irene. Irene who is an orphan, who is also a very sweet, funny, and affectionate in a PDA kind of way girlfriend to Apollo. The proposal scene is a must watch by the way. Then what happened? Well, on their wedding day, as Irene is walking across the altar towards Apollo, Apollo would be a runaway groom. Irene would cry and left devastated. I would wish I will have amnesia too if that would happen to me. That is so damn cruel! Thinking that Irene has no immediate family to support him.
Irene would then purposely hurt Apollo so he would backoff and slowly goes away. But it goes the other way. Apollo still remained insistent in reviving his lost love.
Then comes the drama. Irene was told to shoot for a family only to realized that it is for a golden wedding anniversary. With Apollo on his side and with the two oldies who are wearing their wedding dress and suit, Irene can’t help but remember all the hurt and the anger. There they had a chance to talk. Irene retelling the story on what happened that fateful day of their supposed to be wedding day. She said it was told to her by his gay friend who accompanied her in the wedding.
Irene had to stay at the back of the altar even when all people had left. Even though her friend is pleading for them to leave she wanted to stay and wait for Apollo. She said she had that trust in him that he would go back and changed his mind. That he is not capable of doing that thing to her. Everything is perfect; she is the perfect bride so why would Apollo leave him.
There she blindly asked Apollo on how badly insane someone is to do such a thing. Apollo had to explain that maybe the groom is not yet sure of himself. That their relationship happened so fast. It is too good to be true. He is scared that he haven’t found himself yet at time. That Irene is too perfect that having her at that moment may end up losing her later on. He can’t take that risk.
Me and my friend can’t help but cry over this scene. Toni is not that good in dramatic scenes, but still we felt the hurt and her sorrow. It was so bad for her to have felt and experienced that kind of betrayal. No one I think deserves that.
Then Apollo would do more unimaginable things for her. Things that a girl would hope someone would do for her. If I may say again, John Lloyd is so good at it and convincing that they may have second team up in the screen. You would believe that at that moment he thinks of nothing but Irene.
Then the chase is over. The prince caught the love of the maiden. Everything goes perfect except that Apollo is still thinking that Irene is not yet aware that Apollo is the ex-BF who left him at the altar. Although Irene is also thinking that she haven’t admitted yet that she doesn’t have Amnesia at all. She’s just playing it all along.
The day comes that all secret has to be untold. Apollo brought Irene to the place of the speed dating event 3 years ago. Everything was set up like it used to be. The interiors, the guests, and all his guy friends who were with Apollo that day. They are planning to relive and retold it all to Irene. Then Irene had to tell it all about his fake amnesia. Apollo would storm out and be furious.
How it will end? I won’t tell because you have to watch it so you’ll experience all the funny and drama moments.
Although this is another scene in the movie. John Lloyd was thinking over on what happened to them while doing the Sales demo again. He was relating that you should take advantage of the time and cherish all the good and bad times when you already find your true love. Then a Salesperson would ask what if he was just saying that it is his true love because he already lost it. He said “No”, he haven’t lost it. He had his second chance. Lucky him that he had his second chance.
So after the long storytelling, this is one of the best local romantic movie that I watched. One of which is the “My only you” the movie with the “patola” joke that I recommend as well. With also of course on top of the list, everyone’s favorite, “One more chance” by John Lloyd Cruz and Bea Alonzo.
This movie is so 2010 with the cheesy lines from text messages that we are all familiar with. The story may not usually happen in real life but we know that it may happen. It will help us reflect on how we had treated our past relationships and how we should treat our current one. How we should value people who are true to us and who loved us. I aslo like the pacing which is just right. There is no hard sell drama or comedy. It just fits right at the correct scene. You won't feel that you missed some scene that should have been there or scenes that shouldn't have been there. Good storytelling. The casts are also great. All funny and natural. The usual male "barkadahans" and "inuman". The girls "kampihan" when it comes to lovelife. The cinematography is not so good but of course, it can't destroy the movie.
Actually when me and my friend went out of the theatre we were so high and overwhelmed witg the "kilig" from John Lloyd. I actually would like to walk like dancing and almost did it in greenbelt. A man caught me almost doing it and can't help smiling. The feeling is so contagious that it is best to watch it in pairs or in groups to share the feel good theme of the movie.
I am so planning to watch this again with my boyfriend this time. In the cinemas still, because we both love the big screen effect. Although I just hope that he won’t have tantrums and we’ll get to watch it. He might not like it because he knows that I already watched it. But I might have tantrums and that he won’t like. LOL
Anyways, John Lloyd in this movie is so Apollo, the god of the sun. The ideal of manly beauty. There I rest my case.